Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I suppose some background needs to be filled in, for all of this to make sense. You see, I almost died in January. Or, at least, I thought I was going to die, I really did. The ambulance came and my heart was beating so fast-200 beats per minute. I thought I was having a heart attack. The EMS guys told me they were going to give me something that would stop my heart for a few seconds and then restart it again. They laid me down on the streacher and did it. And I thought..."will I see my daughter ever again? Is this my last day on earth?"
On that day in January I weighed 323 pounds. I can write that number down now without shame-something I never would have been able to do in the past. I can write it down because when God gave me a second chance at life, I vowed I would do my best to get healthy, and change my life for the better. I have Type 2 Diabetes, and had ignored it. My blood pressure had steadily been going up, and I ignored it. My weight was the highest it had ever been, and get the idea. And now, the doctor said my heart was screwed up, but this I couldn't ignore-and live. So I went on a diet, started keeping a food journal, and started praying that God would help me...and He did. As of this post, I have lost 90 pounds. I still have a long way to go. I'm still on medicine for my heart and my diabetes. My heart still gives me bad days sometimes, but it's a lot better than it was.
The diet was the beginning, I also realized my attitude had to change. I had to accept the fact that I had done this to myself. I knew that for a long time, God had been tapping me on my shoulder, trying to get my attention but as I said before, I was good at ignoring what I didn't want to face. God will gently try to get our attention for only so long. Then He gives us a well-deserved kick in the pants! Mine came on that chilly January morning.

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