Thursday, September 10, 2009

Daily Diet

I am no dieting expert, so I am hesitant to give dieting advice. All I can say is what I myself have been doing, and what has helped me. Since I am a Type 2 diabetic, my meal plan is diabetic AND dietetic. I have a basic daily diet plan and a booklet with "exchange" choices and the amounts I am allowed. Portion sizes are the key, so I must weigh my food. It's as simple as that. Buy a food scale, if you don't have one. I eat 5 times a day, three meals and two snacks, with a minimum of three hours between eating. I do not eat after 9:30 PM. So, for me if breakfast is at 9 AM, then lunch is at 12:30, a snack at 3:30, dinner at 6:30, and a late snack/dessert at 9:30 PM.
Diabetics must test their blood, to monitor their blood glucose levels. When I was first diagnosed, I resented every time I had to prick my finger and test my blood. I did it less and less, until I stopped completely. However now, I know that maintaining proper glucose levels are essential to my health. Of course, those of you who are not diabetic, can skip that part!
I also keep a food journal, something I never thought I would do, that's for sure! It has helped, though. Write down the date, everything you eat, and the time it's eaten. To work, you must be honest with your journal and yourself. If you slip up, write it down.
Carbs are not a diabetic's friend, so I must limit the amount of carbs I have at mealtimes. This practice would be a good policy for non-diabetics, too. If you control your carbs, you are going to lose weight. I am allowed 45 grams of carbs at the 3 main meals and 15 grams of carbs per snack. I've also learned to read nutrition labels. The carbs, sodium and calories per serving is important. Since I am overweight, I also must limit the amount of protein (meat/fish, cheese, eggs, etc. ) I consume. I can have 2 oz. of protein at lunch, 3 oz. at dinner. NO protein at breakfast. That's been hard! So, a typical day for me is:
BREAKFAST: 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/3 banana, cinnamon and fat free milk (NOTE: 1/4 cup uncooked oatmeal = 1/2 cooked oatmeal)
LUNCH: 2 slices NATURE'S OWN sugar-free wheat bread (11 grams carbs, per slice), 2 oz. tuna fish, (low sodium, packed in water), mixed with 1 Tb. light mayonaise, and sprinkle of MRS. DASH (no salt) lemon pepper, chopped onion, lettuce, and tomato.
SNACK: 1 medium-size nectarine
DINNER: 3 oz. turkey meatloaf, 1/3 cup mashed potatos, 1/2 cup green beans, 1/3 cup carrots, sliced tomato.
SNACK: 1 JELLO sugar-free pudding cup with 1 tsp. sugar-free COOL WHIP on top.

Here are a few of the things I have learned that help when you go out to eat: Skip the bread, ask for your salad dressing "on the side", cut your portion in half before you take one bite-and bring the rest home, watch out for sauces and gravies when ordering, keep track of how much sodium is in what you're eating.

For snack ideas: 15 grams of carbs =12 mini pretzels, 8 animal crackers, 1/2 large apple, 1 medium nectarine, 1 sugar-free pudding cup, 1 SOY JOY bar (16 grams), 1/16 slice of sugar free cheesecake.

I have found some good information and recipes in DIABETIC LIVING magazine. DLife. com is also a good online resource for recipes. From time to time I'll post some that I've had success with. NOTE: Anyone can benefit from these healthy recipes, they are not just for diabetics.

The truth is, there are many good diet plans available out there to choose from. Sticking to your diet is the difficult part. I have never been able to stay on a diet long enough for it to make a difference. It was too hard. I failed over and over. This time, I knew I couldn't do it alone and I asked God for help. That made all the difference. I finally realized that I was powerless over my compulsive eating and that wasn't going to change no matter how I tried to convince myself otherwise. "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." (Romans 7:18) With this realization I begain to seek God's help and to pray for Him to strengthen my self-control. "And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will provide a way out." (1 Corinthians 10:13) I am on my way, one day at a time.

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