Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Celebrate Recovery

I have been overweight my entire life. I was a chubby child, a plump teen and a fat adult. I had grown comfortable in my fat, like a big, soft robe that wrapped around me and insulated me from the world. I had been blessed to find and marry a man who loved me and I had people in my life who cared about me and accepted me as I was. I had convinced myself I no longer needed to worry about losing weight. In fact, I reasoned, I couldn't lose weight! I was one of those people destined to always be heavy, and I should just accept myself as I was. Yes, in acceptance, I would find peace. It was too late for me, but that was OK, because that meant I could eat what I wanted, and how much I wanted. So I turned a blind eye to the consequences.
However, sooner or later we will reap what we sow and the day came where I had to face the fact that my actions had taken their toll on me with high blood pressure, diabetes, & heart damage.
I did it to myself.
I realized though, I couldn't fix it by myself. First, I turned to God and asked for help. I begged Him for strength to stay true to my diet. I needed more, though, and God provided it through Celebrate Recovery.
Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based recovery program that can help you overcome your "hurts, habits and hangups". It was founded by John Baker of Saddleback Church-the church known for Rick Warren and his "Purpose-Driven Life" ministry. Based on the eight recovery principals found in the Beatitudes, given by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount.
And it just so happened that there was a women's Celebrate Recovery group that met at my church every Saturday afternoon. AND, they were just beginning the first book. AND, two different friends casually mentioned it might be something I could find helpful. I felt again God tapping me on my shoulder, "You need to do this".
I didn't want to go, though. I was afraid. I was embarrassed. I didn't belong there, I reasoned. It was for "other" people who had "real" problems, not someone like me, just stuggling to lose weight. And, giving up time on a Saturday afternoon-unthinkable!
God was working on my heart though. I became aware that all my life I had used food for comfort, as a reward, as entertainment. I was as compulsive about food as any addict. My health and my life were out of control, I needed help. I spoke to my husband about it, secretly hoping he would object to the Saturday meetings. He didn't, he felt it would help. So, I decided to give it a try.
The basic framework of Celebrate Recovery is the same as other recovery groups like AA. We talk. What is said at the meeting stays at the meeting. You can open up freely and let out your fears, frustrations, challenges and triumphs. More than once tears have been shed.
Britt leads our group. She's been through this journey herself and with God's help, conquered her demons. Her faith is strong.
We have a booklet with a lesson we've read at home. We discuss and review our lesson and afterwards, there are some questions to answer. Sometimes I don't know what the answer is. At times, my answers have changed as God works in me.
At home, I try to put into practice what I have learned. Some days it's harder than others, but I am convinced that Celebrate Recovery is the road to recovery.
"You can't heal a wound by saying it's not there!" Jeremiah 6:14, TLB

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